Why I'm building ScatterMind

I help professionals with ADHD unlock their potential

Hey you,

My name is Frankie, and I'm building ScatterMind because I'm a founder with ADHD.

After college, I struggled with being intentional with my time. I wasted precious hours avoiding tasks, thinking rather than doing, and spending an hour on 5 min tasks. It was a never-ending cycle of putting out fires that my bad habits had created. However, I managed to break free from this cycle and transform my life by mastering my ADHD. Through my journey, I not only unlocked my potential but also stopped relying on medication (Focalin XR 15mg) and became a successful startup founder.

I brought my second startup to $2K MRR within 9 months while hitting the gym 5+/week, sleeping 8 hours, and having time for friends on weekends. I'm chasing my dream of building a unicorn while achieving my personal goals. And, I want to help you do the same! How can you expect to achieve your goals while

  • running on less than 6 hours of sleep,
  • missing meals,
  • not maintaining your health,
  • fighting off constant distractions,
  • procrastinating on key tasks,
  • burnt out?

With ScatterMind, I've transformed my experiences into a powerful coaching system designed to master your ADHD, unlock your potential, and create the life you've always desired. Let us guide you on this transformative journey as we master your ADHD!


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